Revolutionizing Property Valuation

With our suite of advanced software tools, we're setting new standards in modeling, data visualization, and validation for accurate, equitable, and efficient property assessments.

Bridging Academia and Tech in Valuation

Born from a quest to merge academic rigor with technological innovation, Valuebase began as a research group dedicated to one pivotal question: How can modern techniques transform property assessment? What started with in-depth research and conversations with assessors has evolved into a mission-driven company at the forefront of valuation technology. We're not just following the market trends — we're creating them.

Key Turning Points & Achievements

Q4 2022

Valuebase was founded.

Q1 2023

Valuebase raises a $1.6M pre seed funding round.

Q2 2024

Valuebase raises a $6.3M seed funding round.

Our Approach to Modern Valuation: Land First

At ValueBase, we blend sophisticated machine learning with comprehensive regression analysis to redefine property valuation. Our process begins with in-depth market analysis, followed by crafting bespoke models that enhance accuracy and transparency. Each step is informed by our commitment to make property valuation accessible, intuitive, and most importantly, precise. For us, it's about providing solutions that meet today's challenges and anticipate tomorrow's needs.